Toni Clarke
Trickles like honey
13 February – 10 March 2021
The genesis for this body of work was seeing the world change. I watched us all retreat into our homes, making ourselves more remote. I had often looked out over the landscape in awe, however, this period allowed me to delve deeper into the valleys of my home.
Inspired by my surrounds, tucked up high in the hills of Mullumbimby on the far North Coast, my paintings are a celebration of what has been given to us. Rainforests, creeks, waterholes and banana plantations surround me, for which I am truly grateful.
The repetition of going back to the waterfall each day to draw, created a fascination in the way nature is transformed. Light plays upon its surfaces; a metamorphosis of greens, blues, pinks and oranges, in turn creating shape and form. The garden has became a playground for me, changing each day with the time and the seasons.
Using joyous, bold colours, I intend to tell simple stories that reach into the unencumbered feeling of childhood, trying to and hopefully depicting a warmer outlook on life.
‘Heaven is a place where the sunlight trickles like honey’