Robin Gibson Gallery

modern + contemporary

Dylan Newling

Newling Painting: Recent Works, Volume Two

9 July – 3 August 2022

Catch-as-catch-can painting… the crux of which is in the various shifting of oil, pigments, spirit and dust.

Sydney based artist Dylan Newling is a recent graduate of the National Art School Sydney. Dylan’s attitude to painting is comparable to the perplexing nature of the painting process…which for him is never fixed. Working intuitively, he welcomes the unknown and the anomalous, and he feels that painting, with its contingencies and exceptions, creates a certain resistance that is necessary for the work to emerge. He delights in the poetic relations between paint, image, feeling and meaning. For Dylan, anything can make its way into a painting and painting can make its way into anything.

We accept payment by credit card, EFT and cash,
and offer interest free payment plans (layby)

All sold works are available for collection at the end of the exhibition. If you require shipping we can put you in touch with a suitable courier

gallery hours
11am-6pm Wednesday to Saturday

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