Robin Gibson Gallery

modern + contemporary

Geoff Harvey

Ashes to Ashes

19 April – 11 May 2022

Ashes to Ashes is a two themed exhibition of painting executed over the last couple of years.

The first theme is about Cricket a game I enjoyed playing as a school kid & still enjoy watching each summer. Cricket is considered the gentleman’s sport. And is made up of formal arrangement of players dressed in white on a green field which is visually arresting to me. Body language & the motion of the sportsmen has been one of the challenges for me to capture in these paintings. In the sharp focus of high summer light these top sportsmen have been an inspiration for me to paint.

And the second subject is Black Summer 2019-20 with painting of the horrendous bushfires that engulfed the Blue Mountains & the bushland areas of NSW. When Sydney was blanketed in smoke & everybody was restricted to indoors activities I felt compelled to paint what I was seeing on the news each & every hour. Daily images of these devastating fires were constantly published & as I listened to the fire reports on radio I kept painting. Feeling so helpless in this situation the only thing I could do was paint & to hope that there would be an end to this catastrophic global warming event. These paintings are a record of this tragic event but in another way they are also quite beautiful. They portray a landscape ravished by fire where not only does the deafening sounds & the smells appear present but also the intense heat is very much felt by the viewer.

Geoff Harvey
April 2022

This is Geoff’s 25th solo exhibition with Robin Gibson Gallery

works currently available & CV

We accept payment by credit card, EFT and cash,
and offer interest free payment plans (layby)

All sold works are available for collection at the end of the exhibition. If you require shipping we can put you in touch with a suitable courier

gallery hours
11am-6pm Wednesday to Saturday

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